16 Oktober 2011

Scrapbook.. arti dibalik hobi lamaku ini :)

Selama 2 bulan ini saya "melarikan diri" ke suatu hobi yang mengasah kreatifitas saya.. Scrapbook nama kerennya, sebenarnya scrapbook ini sudah dikenal sejak lama sebelum abad ke 21, digunakan oleh orang-orang eropa untuk mendokumentasikan riwayat hidupnya bahkan pekerjaannya.. seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, perkembangan teknik scrapbook semakin maju bahkan ada berbagai macam software yang dapat kita gunakan untuk menciptakan scrapbook dengan waktu yang lebih cepat tentunya.

Cukup sering saya menghabiskan waktu untuk mendatangi toko-toko yang menjual berbagai alat dan bahan scrapbook.. Sayangnya bahan-bahan scrapbook yang kualitasnya baik dan desain2nya menawan hati cukup membuat dompet saya menangis.. Untuk satu kertas background scrapbook saja harus mengeluarkan biaya sebesar 13ribu rupiah hingga 26 ribu rupiah, belum lagi ornamen-ornamennya seperti kancing-kancing yang satu set bisa seharga dengan 2 cup kopi di Starbucks. Jadi harus lebih bijak membelanjakan untuk segala ornamen dan keperluan scrapbook lainnya :)

Kenapa scrapbook?

Saya mencintai hobi ini sebenarnya sejak smp , namun karena kesibukan yang sok menyibuk-nyibukkan saya makanya saya jadi ga sempet untuk menekuni hobi ini. Baru-baru ini mulai Hit lagi di Indonesia scrapbook barulah muncul beberapa toko yang menyediakan segala keperluan mengenai hobi tersebut.

Saat (be continued.....)

06 Oktober 2011

Movie scores composer :)

Imagine you're watching Titanic without "my heart will go on" , Casablanca without "as time goes by" or perhaps Toy story without "you've got a friend in me"... It would be plain pictures, don't you think?

well,I'm about to share a lil bit about movie-scoring (the composer is mainly the subject in this article)

These are some of my top list movie scoring composer :

Ennio Morricone - I often called him "an Italian magic composer" .. You should listen to his works in "Nuovo cinema paradiso" and "the legend of 1900".. Marvelous films by the way :)

John williams

Alan Silvestri

Dave Grusin - this american composer also known as GRP co-founder (it's a label for jazz record most of the times) . He and his beautiful mind had created the most beautiful and notable score for the movie like "Tootsie", "The champ", and "heaven can wait"

(to be continued........)

03 Oktober 2011

List of my favorite paintings :)

1. Frida kahlo - "Two fridas" (1939)

Self portrait by Frida Kahlo was painted in the time time of her divorce with the Mexican muralist Diego Rivera. As you can see, there were double portrait of Frida and the green dressed frida holding small portrait of Diego Rivera.

2. Norman rockwell - "Freedom from want" (1943)
It was a nostalgic symbol of an enduring American theme of holiday celebration, Thanksgiving

3. Andy warhol - Campbell's soup can (1962)

It may looks simple, but you know this campbell's cover design has been a popular icon till now. Thanks to mr.Warhol's genius artistic mind

4. Richard hamilton - "release" (1972)

(to be continued.......)

Somewhere... Somewhere

I can't tell you how much I love "west side story".. This movie has been my favorite since I were a little girl.. My favorite scene in the movie was when Tony and Maria (played by Natalie wood) singin' "Somewhere" together.. Listen to the lyrics and you'll be blown away :)

"There's a place for us
Somewhere a place for us
Peace and quiet and open air
Wait for us

"There's a time for us
Some day a time for us
Time together
With time to spare
Time to learn
Time to care

We'll find a new way of living"

"We'll find a way of forgiving

"There's a place for us
A time and place for us
Hold my hand
And we're halfway there
Hold my hand
And I'll take you there

02 Oktober 2011

Dark side in all of us

Dulu kalau dengerin karya2 pink floyd hanya sebatas mengagumi melodi gitar dari david gilmour atau catchy bass line-nya Roger waters, namun sekarang berbeda lagu-lagu pink floyd membawa pengaruh baru yang menyegarkan saat saya dengarkan kesepuluh kalinya..

Salah satu album yang saya temukan adalah album klasik "Dark side of the moon".. Dan lagu "breath" inilah yang seakan membisikkan nasihat..

"Run, rabbit run
Dig that hole, forget the sun
And when at last the work is done
Don't sit down
It's time to dig another one

For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an early grave..."

- Pink floyd "breath" Dark side of the moon (1973) -